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Napoleon Hill 17 Principles – How to Achieve Success

In 1928 nine years before Think and Grow Rich was published, Napoleon Hill released a series of individual lessons on a formula to achieve success. He published The Law of Success which was later endorsed by Earl Nightingale as the 17 universal principles of success and achievement.

Below are Napoleon Hill’s 17 principles of success and achievement. Also, the following link is to Nightingale-Conant exercises for each principle to serve as a dependable road map to all riches, tangible or intangible ==>

Napoleon-Hill-Pathway-to-Personal-Success-1.pdf (
17 principle image

I find these principles fascinating and inspiring. Hence, I want to break each principle down in-depth for myself and share it. These principles are great guidelines for taking charge of ourselves and our minds. We learn and understand how adversity can be used to our advantage and how to nurture harmonious relationships.

  1. The Definiteness Purpose
  2. Master Mind
  3. Applied Faith
  4. Have a Pleasing Personality
  5. Go for the extra mile
  6. Personal initiative
  7. Self-discipline
  8. Controlled attention
  9. What does enthusiasm mean
  10. Imagination
  11. Adversity
  12. Budget your time and money
  13. Positive mental attitude
  14. Accurate thinking
  15. Maintain sound physical health
  16. Teamwork and collaboration
  17. Cosmic habit force

This article will serve as the master page for Napoleon Hill’s 17 principles of success. I will create a detailed article for each principle and attach it as a link to the principles listed above.

If you have not heard or read Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, please click on “The Think and Grow Rich Review” to learn more. If you are seeking self-improvement in any aspect of your life such as wealth, health, or relationships, I highly recommend reading or listening to this book and following the 17 principles of success. It is a challenge but a well-worthy challenge that will bring forth your highest self to the best of your ability.

I love to hear your perspectives on self-improvement. What works or does not work for you? Please leave your thoughts below.

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