Make your passion into passive income

How Does Wealthy Affiliate Really Work – Will It Work for Me?

How does Wealthy Affiliate really work and will it work for me are two of the most common questions. They were the same questions that I asked when I first joined Wealthy Affiliate or also known as WA. First of all, does WA works for me? Absolutely! Read on and you’ll understand how and will it work for you?

What is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate (WA) is a company that centers around education and the community to generate income. With education, WA created many tools and training supporting individuals to succeed. The WA community rocks! There is a large range of expertise among the community with vast knowledge in different specialties. We have seasoned and experienced affiliate marketers and we have people with very little to no experience in affiliate marketing. We all work together to generate common goals – money, passion, and connection. The income comes from affiliate programs offered by companies such as Amazon, Wealthy Affiliates, CJ, or also formerly known as Commission Junction, Pepperjam, and many others.

In order to stay alive and well with today’s technology and economy,
most brick-and-mortar businesses add online businesses to keep up with
the audiences. One of the most prosperous online programs is the
affiliate program. Companies offer people like you and me an opportunity to sell their products or services through our personal websites. In return for our referrals, companies share with us a percentage of their sales. It is a win-win scenario for all parties.

WA Education

There is some training in WA education for everyone at their own pace. For beginners and people who have minimal knowledge of technology, the training could be overwhelming at first because it seems like all the classes are coming to you at once. Do not let that intimidate you. Take baby steps and learn as much as you can take in. For those of you who are technology fiends, go to town and choose the training you would like to focus on. I totally recommend going with the Certification Courses first if you have a niche in mind. If you do not have a niche in mind, go with the affiliate boot camp training.

Here is a list of available training:

  • Certification Courses – There are five levels in these courses and a range of 27 to 36 tasks at each level. These courses are great training tools with step-by-step instructions on how to make money online using affiliate marketing with your niche.===> GET STARTED HERE <===
  • Affiliate Bootcamp – There are seven phases in this training and each phase has a range of 26 to 49 tasks. This training is specialized for becoming a WA affiliate which also can be applied to any affiliate programs available for the online world.===> BOOTCAMP GET STARTED <===
  • Live Video Classes – One-hour live video training with Q&A at the end happens every Friday evening. The main video training coach is Jay. There is a new topic each week. The video becomes available online after a few days. If you missed a live video class, you can review them again at your leisure. There are also training videos created by the owners as well as other experienced WA members available to explore. Below is a great sample from the WA training video.

    Click Here for a WA training video
  • Classroom Training – Classroom training is additional training given by individuals in the community. Anyone could put together classroom training. The contents require to be helpful and of value to the reader. You can earn cash credit when the training reaches a minimum level of visits, likes, and engagement.

WA Incentives

You may wonder why are people so helpful in the WA community. It is because of the incentives that Kyle and Carson developed. It is a wonderful idea to reward those who are active and engaged. Not only do we get rewarded through incentives, but our content, products, and knowledge have also improved so much more. We learn more when we help others.

  • Ambassador ranking – When you establish a status ranking of 200 or under, you achieve an ambassador ranking. In order to achieve this ranking, you interact, engage, network, help, ask for help, and be active within the WA community.
  • Cash Credits – Cash credits can be earned through your own classroom training. When the training reaches a minimum level of visits, likes, and engagement. You can also earn cash credit when someone you referred to WA registers a domain through our SiteDomain platform.
  • Affiliate credits – You can earn affiliate credits by referring others to Wealthy Affiliate
  • Community Credits – Community credits are earned by offering comments and feedback for other members’ websites.

WA Tools

There are multiple tools to help you succeed in setting up your websites as well as tools for writing your content. All the tools are dynamic and helpful.

  • SiteRubix – Tools to build your website and contents
    • SiteManager – SiteManager manages your websites and your site Health.
    • SiteBuilder – SiteBuilder setup your domain and support you in building your website
    • SiteEmail – SiteEmail manages and sets up emails for each of your personal domain
    • SiteContent – SiteContent supports writing your content for your website. It helps set your writing goals, it does spell and grammar check. I love this feature as English is my second language. It is always good to have a second set of eyes to check my grammar and spelling.
    • SiteComments – SiteComments allows you to give comments to the requested community member and keep track of the credit you earn each time you give a comment. A comment often comments supporting and interacting with the writer toward the article. Once your comment is approved, the comment would be posted directly to the member’s website.
    • SiteFeedback – SiteFeedback allows you to give feedback to the requested community member and keep track of the credit you earn each time you give feedback. Feedback is generally constructive suggestions on how a member can improve their website.
    • SiteSupport – SiteSupport is technical support for any technical issues that you are having at any time. Generally, when you submit a ticket submission, SiteSupport gets back to you within minutes with an answer.
  • Keyword ToolThe keyword tool or Jaaxy is a powerful tool that allows you to research the best keywords to use for your article title with accurate traffic, competition, and domain insights.

Will it Work for Me?

Wealthy Affiliate has excellent tools with simple instructions on how to generate extra income by using affiliate programs. People from no technical skills to expert technical skills can benefit. It has been proven time and time again among many WA members. However, will it work for you?

Here is something to think about – Wealthy Affiliate does not do the work. You do the work. It is not a magic program with a button to push that will do all the work for you. It will take your own passion for wanting to make it work. Otherwise, it is just another pretty program with lots of training and support wasted away. It is not an overnight money-making machine. It takes consistency and tenacity on your part.

How long will it take before I see the money? It all depends on how much work you are willing to put into the creation of your website. For some, it took three months, six months, twelve months, or even twenty-four months. No one is the same. It is the result of your passion, tenacity, and consistency.
==> Get started now for free and see if it works for you. Setup free account NOW <==

What are the positives and negatives?

I have mostly positive comments regarding Wealthy Affiliate. I love the community networking and meeting people from all over the world. The training is very detailed and easy to follow. I can skip at my own pace. However, I recommend following through with all the lessons even if you know some already. There would be a chance that you will learn something new that you have never noticed before. Just like watching a good movie the second or a third time.

Of course, with any good program, there are always bugs here and there. Not all tools are bugs free. However on a positive note, SiteSupport rocks. If I find a bug or a technical issue, I report them and receive a response within minutes.

Another complaint could be that there is so much information and I feel overwhelmed. It is true there is a lot of learning, especially for a person who had very little technical background. However, that could be a blessing because then they have a clean slate for learning with fewer bad habits. When I feel overwhelmed, I take a step back, breathe, take a short break, or take a nap. Take baby steps if you have to. You will get there when you get there.

Be ready to write lots and lots. If you love to write then the WA platform for affiliate marketing is calling your name. For me, writing was my weakness. English is my second language. It took a long time for me to write one article. However, I am determined and committed to my success here at WA so it is happening. In the past, it took me a week or more just to write one article. Now, I am writing three to four articles within one week. It boils down to practice and experience. WA gives you the tools and techniques to master your writing. How are you going to apply it?

Are you ready to commit? Sign up now for a FREE Starter Account.



Samples of Successes

I took screenshots randomly of a handful of successes from WA postings of recent months to share. These results are from simple people like you and me who diligently apply WA techniques to their websites and their writing.


The Wealthy Affiliate program is an amazing affiliate program that is one of a kind. It is a haven for learning, connecting, and generating extra income through sharing your passion with the world. Here is a price chart for being a WA member:

Are you ready to try it out for FREE? ==> CLICK HERE

I hope this article was helpful for your research on ways of making extra online income. If there are any questions at all, please leave them below. I will be happy to share with you what I learned.

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