Make your passion into passive income

My Honest Wealthy Affiliate Review – Is It Too Good To Be True?

Wealthy Affiliate ReviewWealthy Affiliate Ha profile

Name: Wealthy Affiliate


Price: Starter Membership, $0 (Join Here)

Price: Premium Membership, $49/month OR $497/year (Join Here)

Price: Premium Plus Membership,  $99/month OR $697/year (Join Here)

Owners: Kyle & Carson

Overall Rank: 98 out of 100

Who it’s for: Beginner to Expert

Looking for something to boost extra income into your life? I noticed that nowadays we need to be creative to make extra income. It is no longer working for a big corporation that keeps your job stable until you retire. Your job can turn sour at any given time. More people find working for themselves more attractive but at the same time, it is much harder to bring in the consistent income as much as you needed for the first few years.

Are you at a place right now in your life such that you make enough money to live day to day and yet are not happy or satisfied? It could be a job for a large or small company or as a freelance/contractor. You make enough money to live but are not quite secure about your future or retirement. Or are you at an age that is too old to do grunt work and not old enough to retire?

Would you like to find something else that could help bring in additional income? Who knows, that extra income may even grow bigger than your current job, and then you can quit or retire and spend more time on what you love to do.

Well, something else I am suggesting is affiliate marketing. Have you heard of it? According to Wikipedia, affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s marketing efforts.

how affiliate marketing work
If you have heard of affiliate marketing, then you may have heard of Wealthy Affiliate. In this article, I will give my honest Wealthy Affiliate review and you can decide if it is too good to be true or not. If you have not heard about Wealthy Affiliate and would like to make additional income, please read on.

I welcome your feedback, questions, or comments whether they are positive or negative. I am always seeking ways to improve and make my content worthwhile of your time. At the end of this article, please leave your honest opinion and experiences.

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate ̣(WA) is a company specializing in affiliate marketing. The co-founders are Kyle and Carson with a mission in helping people to achieve financial success online. The business started in September 2005. The founders created a system with training to take people step-by-step in creating successful websites online using affiliate marketing to generate income.

Here are WA statistics:

wa world wide

WA system provides member services with hosting sites and domain names using WordPress, training for creating your business, software and technical support, unlimited direct communication with successful members and founders from the WA community, and available affiliate programs.

Wealthy Affiliate is not a Multi-Level marketing (MLM) company. I repeat it is not MLM. WA focuses primarily on affiliate marketing. If you are not clear about the distinction, please click here to read the difference between MLM and affiliate marketing ==> MLM vs. Affiliate Marketing.

WA program applies to anyone who is seeking to make extra money online. You can be young, old, new to the internet world, expert to the internet world, male, female, or anyone who is not afraid to put in the extra time and effort. Remember your time and effort are very important. If you are willing to learn, open to training and suggestions, and apply with your effort, you can be successful.

Quick warning, doing this work requires focus. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Like being successful for anything in life you need to have the tenacity, the passion, and the will to want to succeed. Do you have that desire?

If you love to share with others and have the willingness to learn, you can be an affiliate marketer. Everyone is unique in their way and everyone has different ways to present their perspective that attract different people. There will always be a demand for affiliate marketers. Nonetheless, you are not restricted to writing articles only. You can create videos, pictures, or any other creative ways to communicate your message to online audiences.

Remember, WA will not do your work for you. WA provides you with the tools and the community to empower you to do the work yourself. Yes, there will be ups, downs, sideways, and procrastination. I tried them all. It is not easy to stay focused or everyone would be doing it and making the big bucks. You will want to discipline yourself, button down, create a plan, and do the work. It is very gratifying when the work is accomplished with positive results. However, do not be attached to the results like counting the money before it even comes. It will frustrate you because you may not see immediate satisfaction. Keep following the training, keep learning and researching, and continue to create. The money will come in time.

So How Do You Do It?

WA 4 steps process

The first step is to find a niche. According to Merriam-Webster, a niche is a specialized market. What do you like to do? Do you have a hobby? What are you passionate about? For example, my hobby is rock climbing. I love it. However, rock climbing is a broad subject so I narrow it down into something even more specific. I choose rock climbing for women. It is a pretty specific specialized market with many possibilities.

It is best to choose a niche that you are passionate about because it is much easier to write about something you enjoy. The readers can feel or relate to your emotions through your writing. You do not need to sell or convince. The products sell themselves.

Once a niche is established, we create a website with the assistance of Wealthy Affiliate training. In the training, we learn how to create and set up websites, write articles and content about our niche, understand how to apply keywords and conversions, integrate ads and review products, engage with social media, generate income, and much more. There are additional lessons and live training from beginner level to advanced level of marketing to attract visitors to your websites.

There are multiple ways to make money with the website. You make money by being an affiliate to different companies introducing their products. The products you mention are usually related to the niche that you are sharing or teaching on your website. Amazon and Google are well-known among many companies that will pay a percentage to affiliates who bring consumers to their websites. If you cannot think of a niche yet, you can promote Wealthy Affiliate and make money through referral fees. However, this is optional.

In addition to learning and training, you have direct access to the owners, successful affiliates, or members of the WA community, and of course me. We can be your mentors for questions and answers in creating a successful money-generating website. Remember, if something does not seem to work, ask questions, or share your experiences within the WA community. Someone will reply and compare notes with you on how to improve your experience. The important thing is not to give up, be consistent, and tenacious.

Wealthy Affiliate provides hosting sites with optional domain name service, lots of training, software and support, WA community, and Affiliate Programs. I shall describe each with more details below.

Hosting sites and domain Names

As a premium member, Wealthy Affiliate will be hosting your website for you to use a hosting platform called “SiteRubix”. It is a full hosting service for WordPress. You can purchase your domain name through WA or you can purchase through other websites such as and point it to WA. You can have up to 25 of your domain names and 25 free under “SiteRubix” names.

Speed and security are very important in the world of the internet. WA hosts on a fast network, Amazon c3.large with an average load time of 1.3 seconds. Your website is always awake with full redundancy where if one server goes down, WA has a mirror of your website running elsewhere. Spam and hacking often occur so WA has several layers of security that shield your websites and keep them secure so you can breathe easily. Your websites are constantly backed up every day.

More details on WA hosting –> Wealthy Affiliate Hosting Review <–



The training aspect is very important. There are currently two training programs. The first is an Online Entrepreneur Certificate which consists of five levels. Each level has 10 lessons and each contains 23 to 36 tasks. If you have an existing passion like a special niche that you want to teach or share through your website such as how to grow a vegetable garden in your backyard or how to brew mead, the online entrepreneur certificate is a great course for you to learn. It provides step-by-step instructions from beginning to end on how to build your website and generate money from it.

Here is the layout of the Online Entrepreneur Certificate:


The second training is an Affiliate Bootcamp. If you do not have a niche in mind yet, you can start by promoting WA and becoming an affiliate marketer for WA. All this is optional. You can make money with your niche or you can make money as an affiliate for WA. There are seven phases in the Affiliate Bootcamp. Each phase contains 26 to 49 tasks.

Below is the content of the Affiliate Bootcamp training:

Affiliate BootcampAffiliate Bootcamp 2

There is live training once a week provided by Jay on different topics and additional training contributed by WA members. During the weekly live training class, there are

  • Questions and answers period
  • Interactive discussions
  • video & tutorial training

You can participate in live training every Friday evening. If you cannot attend, a recording of the training will be available in the next few days for review. Here is an example of a recorded live training below:


There are over ONE THOUSAND (1,000) powerful training modules within WA that members have access to at any time to generate a full-time income online.

Software and Support

The best software provided for free as a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate is Jaaxy. It is a keyword research and management program. This program helps you find high-traffic and low-competition keywords to set up for SEO success, attract more traffic, and higher ranking on a web search. Here is an example of how to use Jaaxy keyword research features to find the keywords for your website:


SiteBuilder, SiteContent, SiteComments, SiteFeedback, and SiteSupport are more software and support within WA. SiteBuilder helps build your website. SiteContent is a writing tool for writing your website content. SiteComments is a support system where we seek comments from the WA community for your articles. This helps with website interactions. You use SiteFeedback to seek feedback and constructive criticism from the WA community on how we can improve your website.

Last but not least an important service from WA is SiteSupport. SiteSupport is technical support for your website. It is a support ticket submission where you submit your questions or technical problems. Technical support will respond to your questions/problems via email within 5 minutes or fewer. SiteSupport rocks. Remember WA is a full-service WordPress hosting so they take care of all the technical problems for you so can focus on creating and designing your website.

WA Community

Wealthy Affiliate (WA) community is a group of WA members from all over the world (193 countries) such as the US, Canada, Australia, England, France, and many other countries. Everyone has different experiences and specialties from the beginning level to the expert level. You can search and ask anyone for advice, including the owners and other successful affiliate marketers. The members are very helpful. You can send a private message to me or you can participate in a live chat online with anyone at any given time. You can also write a blog on WA asking questions or answering a query.

You are never alone. If you get lost, live chat with community members is available 24/7.

Here is the variety of community support:

  • Live Questions and answers 24/7/365 chat
  • Interactive discussion
  • Private 1 on 1 support with ME
  • Private access to community experts

There are also incentive programs to participate in the community such as earning cash and community credits. You can earn community credits through siteFeedback and siteComments. You can also earn credits by creating training lessons. There are plenty of opportunities to participate and be part of the WA community. These incentives are fun rewards for members to participate. Also, members enjoy giving back to the community when they become successful with their own goals. Everyone benefits.

Affiliate Programs

Currently, Wealthy Affiliate has two affiliate programs available for members. They are Wealthy Affiliate and Jaaxy. You can earn money through each referral. The amount varies depending on the program. Again these programs are optional. You do not need to promote WA or Jaaxy to be a WA member.

There are also high commissions, high percentages, and top-rated affiliate programs available to check out on the WA dashboard. You can also find affiliate programs on your own through your web browser search. There are plenty of opportunities to make money.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention Vegas. Every year WA owners, Kyle & Carson, give away a bonus to affiliates who achieve a certain number of sales by the end of the year with an all-paid and inclusive private Las Vegas Super Affiliate Conference. It is a great goal to achieve.

My Experience At WA

You may wonder about my own story. Did I make a 6 figure income through affiliate marketing? Right now the answer is not yet. I know it is possible and I have seen it done by dedicated WA members. It does take a lot of time, hard work, consistency, and tenacity but it could be done. I believe in the WA process.

Then what happened? I am not there yet because it is my own choice. Currently, I have not been focusing all of my time at WA. My current focus is on being a Vietnamese Interpreter and getting my court certification.

My past biggest problem was the focus. I was doing too much all at once, spun my wheel, and went nowhere fast. I was constantly tired and stressed out. I was stubborn and refused to choose and stay focused on one thing.

At the end of July 2017, I found Wealthy Affiliate and signed up as a premium member. During that time, I felt that I was still spread out thin and taking on yet another part-time job. For a year, I made a little money here and there with affiliate marketing but nothing big. Because I was spread thin, I couldn’t focus on it and my state of mind was not solid or excited with my work.

I knew Wealthy Affiliate worked for others but it was not working for me. During my time as a member, I saw members making money left and right. I felt frustrated because it was not working for me. Then an “aha” moment came. I need to consolidate. I am constantly burning candles at both ends with no directions. No wonder I am not getting anywhere.

I needed immediate money and my mind regarding money was a mess. I was also impatient. By the end of 2018, I decided to focus on one thing and re-prioritize my time. I chose to focus primarily on establishing myself as a Vietnamese interpreter. The first goal was to make interpreting a full-time job. Interpreting onsite only was not enough. I took on telephone interpreting as well to fill in the time while I was not traveling to locations. I also took on health screen jobs to fill in between. At the same time, I prepped and got myself ready to be certified for court interpreting.

By the summer of 2019, I was working as an interpreter every day which included phone calls and traveling to locations. I accepted a year contract with Orange County Courthouse. My name has been passed around and I have received many more calls for onsite interpreting. It has been great. My first goal of being an interpreter full-time has been successful so far. At the same time, I am pulling in constant income to pay for my expenses.

With extra income through my current interpreting, I can breathe easier. I am almost at a point now where I can slowly ease into writing articles, giving more of my attention to WA, and also start learning about internet marketing again. My next goal is to generate income through my websites.

Why am I sharing with you this? I want you to be successful and learn from my mistakes. It is important to have a good state of mind. When it is preoccupied with too many things and constantly worried, it is hard to generate money. When my mind is at ease, everything flows much better.

I know the WA process works. I have not been writing every day in the past months but my websites still have visitors and continue to generate a little money via Google Adsense and other companies. Imagine if I dedicate myself to my website, I would generate more. You can also too.

Dollar and Cents

So now the big question is – “What is the cost?”

Wealthy Affiliate has two memberships:

Starter Membership – $0 (Join Here)

Premium Membership – $49 per month or $497 per year, save $91 (Join Here)

Premium Plus Membership – $99 per month or $697 per year, save $491 (Join Here)

Yes, $0 for the Starter Membership. It is not a trick. There is no commitment of any kind and no credit card deposit, I promise. With the Starter Membership, you can start right away and have access to the WA community with 2 free websites, affiliate programs, over 500 classroom modules, access to the keyword tool, and much more…

I encourage you to start with the Starter Membership first and see for yourself before you spend any of your money.

The Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership is an all-inclusive platform for an online business. It is all included with no up-sell so you can be worried and free to spend time learning, creating, and making money. The premium membership includes website hosting with SSL security, a keyword tool, 1-on-1 mentorship from experts (owners, experienced affiliates, and ME), live learning events, training, and much more for one price of less than $1 per day when signing up for a year.

I have never stumbled across any program like this before. People are genuinely caring and supportive of the WA community. We all have similar goals. When we succeed, we give back to the community and support each other to succeed.

My Final Verdict + Special BONUS!

A lot of people ask “How long does it take to make money as an affiliate marketer?” Yes, this is a very common question. From my experiences and from watching others succeed, the money-making process varies. For some, it took 6 months and for others, it took two to three years. There are no right or wrong directions. Remember everyone has their situation and obstacles.

Be patient, learn the technique, and apply it to the work. If you have any questions, you can contact me. The biggest problem people have is comparing themselves to others. Not everyone is the same.

Are you ready? How badly do you want that extra income to happen? No nonsense, no excuses, and at no cost to check out what is possible. It is a no-brainer. I promise it will be worth your time. Otherwise, you are welcome to leave me your unsatisfied comments below.


Are you ready to go for it with no strings attached for $0? Will you do me a favor, once you click “Sign-up”, please set up your account. It is quick and simple. Follow the instructions.

When you finish setting up your account, I will personally contact you in your profile account to say “Hello”, and pass on more information on how to get started, and how to contact me. I will also offer you a bonus if you become a PREMIUM member in the first seven (7) days. This includes a 59% discount.

Looking forward to creating and meeting you at Wealthy Affiliate!

OVERVIEW Of Wealthy Affiliate

Name: Wealthy Affiliate

Sales Page URL:

Owners: Kyle & Carson

My Overall Ranking: 98 out of 100 points

Read Real Testimonials: READ REVIEWS


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