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What is The Best Small Business Web Hosting Site – The Best Three Comparisons

There are many hosting services out there in the internet world. However, there are only a handful of different types of hosting available. It can be overwhelming and intimidating especially for new non-techie people to waddle through the search engine looking for the right hosting site for your business.

In this article, we will talk about what is the best small business web hosting site that could work for you. I will simplify the process and share my different thoughts with three best hosting sites for each type of hosting available out there.

We will focus briefly on the different types of hosting: share web hosting, managed WordPress hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated server.

Share Web Hosting

Share web hosting is a service where multiple websites share a same server. You rent only a portion of a server with many others. This is the most common hosting provider because it is the least expensive way to host your website. All the website owners share the cost of one server. The negative aspect of a share web hosting is that it is not as efficient for web sites with high traffic. The load time will be much slower because they are sharing the same server and its speed.

Small businesses with limited budget generally start out with share web hosting service. As the business and website traffic grow, the budget also increases. Those businesses would transfer to a VPS hosting server for more control to handle higher traffic load and bandwidth.

The top ratings with a 9.3 and above out of 10.0 for share web hosting are (starts with a special rate $2.95 per month), (starts with a promotional rate $1.99 per month), and (starts at a special price $2.75 per month).

Managed WordPress Hosting

First of all WordPress is an online open source website creation tool. Many bloggers use WordPress for the creation of their website content management system (CMS). WordPress is the most common platform for website building. However, it is not the only one. I will discuss other website platforms in a separate article.
wordpress logo
Managed WordPress hosting are providers who dedicate their servers primarily for WordPress websites. The positive aspect is that the site is much more stable, faster in speed, and tight security than share web hosting. Because the host is specialized with WordPress, the assistance is quicker turn around time. There are daily backups, automatic WordPress update option, and no down time.

The negative aspect of a managed WordPress hosting is the cost is higher. While a share web hosting can cost $3.95 a month, a WordPress hosting can cost $49 a month or more. There is also limitation on certain plugins that consume too many resources. Those plugins are generally band from the managed WordPress hosts.

The three competitive managed WordPress Hosting are (one price inclusive $49 per month), (starts at $25 per month for the basics), and (starts at $299 per month).

VPS hosting

Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting is a hybrid between a dedicated server and a shared hosting environment. It is a hosting environment with a server that runs several virtualized operating systems. Each virtualized operating system act as a dedicated server. This allows the benefit of a dedicated server and still share with other users the physical space and the cost.

The advantages of a VPS hosting are privacy, customization, control, and dedicated resources. You are not sharing your operating system with anyone else so no other websites can access your files. You can customize your own operating system with the software or server applications that suit your needs.

System restarting can be done at anytime without impact other users that share the VPS server. Another control is that you can choose to control managing the server by yourself or have the hosting site manage your server for you. A certain amount of RAM is dedicated and available to you at all time so you are not sharing the traffic load and bandwidth with anyone else.

The disadvantages of a VPS is that it costs more than a share web hosting. There are two options of managed and unmanaged VPS. It is less expensive for the unmanaged VPS. If you choose the unmanaged VPS, you may want to be pretty savvy about server management because you will be taking on the responsibility of managing the server all by yourself. However, you have the full control of the server.

The top three rating of 9.0 and above out of 10.0 Users Score for VPS hosting are (price starts at $32.99 per month for managed VPS), (Linux Cloud VPS starts at $6.00 per month or Window Cloud VPS at $10 per month with managed VPS), and (Fully managed Cloud VPS starts at $59.95 per month).

Dedicated server

A dedicated server is a server that is dedicated to only your website. You have the full control, flexibility, and security of a dedicated server. This is great for gaming such as World of Warcraft or large businesses because of the high traffic performance. It is the most expensive type of hosting.
Similar to VPS hosting, there are two options for a dedicated server. You can have managed dedicated server or an unmanaged dedicated server.

The top three dedicated servers with rating of 4.9 out 5 are (price starts at $79.00 per month for managed server), (price starts at $99.99 per month for managed server), and (price starts at $79.99 per month for managed server).

My Final Thoughts

Most of hosting servers are offering most if not all the services that I mentioned above

except for the Managed WordPress Hosting. Wealthy Affiliate (WA) is one of the few hosting services that specialized only for WordPress. You can compare and contrast until your heart is content and choose the plan that works best for you.

Wealthy Affiliate LogoIf you are considering creating blogs or a business website that requires WordPress, I highly recommend to check out Wealthy Affiliate (WA) hosting service. Because WA dedicated its server primarily to WordPress, the load time is much faster. The support is amazingly responsive within less than 5 minutes.

There are also workshops, classes, and community support to help you build a marketable website with high ranking SEO keywords. The price is inclusive and there is no up sell. WA is great for beginner website builders as well as experienced web designers and marketers.

Feel free to leave comments or questions below for anything I may have missed or you are curious about in this article. I will get back to you within 24 hours.

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